New CAM software will drastically improve the way manufacturers operate their Laser machines

27.06.23 - 14:42 (Ora dell’Europa centrale)

GF Machining Solutions has launched a new version of a computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) software, LaserCAM, part of the LaserSUITE360 software package.   

At the EPHJ tradeshow in Geneva (Switzerland), GF Machining Solutions has introduced the new advanced software LaserCAM. LaserCAM, included in the LaserSUITE360 1.13.0 software package, offers operators a completely new user interface for creating and editing laser engraving and decoration designs with ease. It provides improved calculation speeds, which reduces the time required for programming and setup and enables manufacturers to respond to changing production needs quickly and get their products to market faster. It is specifically designed for laser engraving, micromachining and decoration operations, building on over a decade of experience in the field and promising to drastically improve the way manufacturers operate their laser machines. This will allow manufacturers in watchmaking who have been hesitant to do so to adopt laser machining for their applications.

In addition to its existing engraving tools, LaserCAM includes unique features such as 3D finishing, blasting and watchmaking decoration functions, allowing manufacturers to create intricate and precise designs. The software has been developed with a novel modular architecture, which is a significant leap forward in its user-friendliness. Thanks to it, GF Machining Solutions will be able to expand the features in the coming versions, aiming to consolidate its leading position in micro cavity, semiconductor and hard material machining as well as watchmaking applications. LaserCAM is compatible with the entire range of GF Machining Solutions' Laser ablation machines to meet the specific needs of every manufacturer. 


Michelle Steinemann

Head of communication

GF Machining Solutions

GF Machining Solutions è uno dei principali fornitori al mondo di soluzioni complete per i produttori di componenti e strumenti di precisione e per l'industria degli stampi. Il portafoglio include macchine di fresatura, EDM, testurizzazione laser, microlavorazione laser e produzione additiva. Inoltre, la divisione offre mandrini, automazione, utensili e soluzioni digitalizzate sostenute da un servizio clienti e un supporto senza pari. Con le sue soluzioni, la divisione promuove una produzione ecologica e ad alta efficienza energetica. GF Machining Solutions è una divisione a livello mondiale del gruppo Georg Fischer (Svizzera) e mantiene una presenza in 50 sedi in tutto il mondo. I suoi 3.398 dipendenti hanno generato un fatturato di 948 milioni di franchi nel 2022. Maggiori informazioni sono disponibili sul sito