White paper: Medical micromanufacturing meets ultra-short pulsed Laser
Ultra-short pulsed lasers have matured over the past two decades into an integral tool for the medical micromanufacturing industry. The results? Cost reduction per part (and ultimately per medical intervention) and more flexibility for the design engineers in creating the next generation of medical components. In this white paper, you will learn more about:
- The current challenges in medical devices micromachining
- How the Laser technology tackles these challenges
- Case studies about applications such as catheter tubes and marker bands
Experts' talk
In this video, you will be presented in detail how Laser solutions work and tackle the new challenges related to the manufacturing processes of specific medical applications like catheters tips, flexible tubs or marker bands.
- What are the limits of the conventional technologies?
- How does femto laser technology work?
- Case studies
Customer testimonial
Sunlight-Tech Inc. is a femtosecond laser contract manufacturer company and an automation design and machine design build manufacturer based in Mokena, IL. Utilizing the GF Microlution ML-5 micro laser machine, Sunlight-Tech manufactures precise and intricate parts to ensure the satisfaction of their customers. Take a look at the strong partnership that GF Machining Solutions has established with Sunlight-Tech Inc.
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